Faith In Prayer

How can we pray in faith if we're not absolutely certain that what we're asking for is in accordance to the will of God?

I think an article I read from Billy Graham answers this so well, so I am going to copy and paste two paragraphs in hopes that it speaks to someone else the way it did me…

“Many people have struggled with this question: How can I pray in faith if I’m not absolutely certain that what I’m asking for is in accordance to the will of God? The reason we struggle is that our faith is misplaced. We think that we somehow have to work our faith up to the place where God will answer a particular prayer. But that is not the case. The object of our faith is the person of God Himself; not our faith. When I do not have faith, I’m saying one of two things: either God cannot answer this prayer or God will not answer this prayer.

If I say He cannot, I’m questioning His sovereignty and His power. If I say He will not, I’m questioning His goodness. To pray in faith means that I believe God can and I believe God will insofar as it’s consistent with His glory, because God is good. Sometimes we pray and we ask God for something, and immediately we start reasoning why God can’t answer the prayer…” 

Wow, “The reason we struggle is that our faith is misplaced.” When we don’t have faith, we are either questioning His sovereignty or His goodness. Personally, my struggle most recently has been questioning His goodness. Yet, God is still good, all the time. This is what I will be pushing into more. We can either speak life or we can speak death. We can also speak either of these things to ourselves because we often think to ourselves more than we speak. I am so sick of hearing lies and then getting discouraged because they start becoming my reality. I have a choice to let lies overcome me or to overcome them with saturating myself in truth, by faith.

I hope something spoke to you in this post. I miss writing; life is just really busy (as I’m sure it is for you too). Maybe I’ll start posting a bit more since we’ll be on our trip to Moldova for the next 10 days. I started blogging as I was heading on my first missions trip to Branson, MO after my freshman year of college. The Lord did a lot on that trip, especially in my heart. I’d love prayer that the Lord does that again and that we would not just come and go into Moldova without an impact. I’m praying that we are able to equip and bless and truly make a difference to those that we will be in contact with. We will be teaching and restoring a transition home for the orphaned girls that will have nowhere to go as they get let go from their orphanage. I'm praying that the Lord would grow Justin and I closer, especially spiritually. I'm praying for a deeper faith.


Step Into The Unknown


Faithfully Dating Online Cont.