Just a Texas Girl Who Thrives on a Good Cup of Tea and Deep Conversations  

I’m Lori…

I'm a wife, momma and blogger who is passionate encouraging you in your journey with Jesus Christ.

I believe in pushing into what may be hard today in order to build your dream life tomorrow. Embracing the day-to-day does not come naturally, but I believe the secret to more is to first be faithful with a little. Yes, I believe that in-between season most of us secretly want to skip past actually has purpose. 

My objective is to share tools that allow you to reach your goals and dreams!


Growing Up…

I had multiple, trusted people throughout my young adult life say, “You don’t know what you want.” This was comical because they’d also admit that I’m, at times, overly passionate about the things I believe in, which is true.

To be honest, I hadn’t had direction before launching Faithful with a Little because I was hindered by fear of failure and comparison to what everyone else was (or wasn’t) doing. Maybe you can relate, but I’m here to encourage you to step into your fears while cheering others on in the process. Fear is only scary before you take a leap of faith and comparison simply robs you of the joy God has promised.

One thing I deeply desire is that I would not only leave behind a legacy of hope and truth that carries on for generations to come, but help others do the same.