Encouraging you to chase after your goals and dreams, starting from wherever you are.
Being faithful with a little won’t be easy, but it’s always worth it!

The bigger your aspirations, the more opportunity you get to experience God move within them!
I often hear people say that they’re not where they thought they’d be at that specific point in time. I’ve been there too.
My hope is that I’ll be able to encourage you to keep pushing one step closer towards your goals and dreams while simultaneously encouraging you to get the most out of where you currently find yourself.
Here’s the truth: You can either let life throw you around or you can take control of your life. It took having my baby girl, experiencing multiple layoffs and saying no to what my family really wanted again and again before I finally started pursuing all that God had for me.
In order to achieve the things that have been placed on your heart, you first have to learn to be faithful with where you are and with what you have. You will experience the fruit of being faithful, you just have to be consistent and remember that being faithful with a little is never easy, but it's always worth it!